
受到 LEAP 艺术界杂志“动不动”专题的邀请,栏杆外团队的三人决定打一场自问自答的非正式游击:我们把“动/不动/动不动”作为母题,依此共同制定了一套创作规则。同样地,我们在两周的时间内完成各自的作品。可以说这是一道例题与三份答案,可能有离题与犯规之嫌,一切仅供参考。

Commissioned by LEAP Magazine, this project reacted to their special topic "Move, or Not" using the basic rules of our "Guerilla War".
We decided to go to war, an informal Guerilla War, in the form of self-questioning. Using the topic "Move, or Not" as a prototype, we set a series of rules for ourselves and answered them with artworks made within two weeks. You can say that this is an example and three answers, but it might be excursive. It’s just for reference.

LEAP “动不动”|沿此方向以正常步速行走20.5分钟
↑ Click to read the original feature on LEAP (in Chinese)


1. 艺术家根据自己所在城市,判断与上海市的相对方位(东、南、西、北、东南、西南、东北、西北或原点)。
2. 根据获得的方位,从自己家出发,沿此方向以正常步速行走20.5分钟。
    a. 若方位为原点,则环绕家所在的建筑物或小区行走20.5分钟。行走的时间包含等红灯、系鞋带等停顿。
    b. 沿路若遇到“路障”(河流、湖泊、绿地等),可自行选择方向绕开;仅需保证总体方向维持为1中获得的方位。
3. 在20.5分钟的行走后,抵达一处终点。艺术家仅可在终点处停留20.5分钟,并可使用各类媒介(照片、视频、录音、速写等)记录所在位置的各类景象与发生。
4. 行程的终点是创作的出发点:艺术家根据所见、所记录、所记忆的素材展开创作,媒介、大小、方式等均无限制。


1. Decide on the relative direction of Shanghai, which depends on the city the artists are currently in. The options will be east, south, west, north, southeast, southwest, northwest, northeast or the origin.
2. Walk at a normal pace along this direction for 20.5 minutes from their apartments.
   a. If the direction is the origin, walk around the building for 20.5 minutes.
   b. This 20.5 minutes include the time for pause, such as waiting for the traffic lights. If they come across barriers (rivers, greenbelt and so on ), they can make a detour as long as the ultimate direction points to Shanghai.
3. After the 20.5-minute walk, the artists stop at the end point. They can stay there for 20.5 minutes and use different media (photograph, video, sketch and so on ) to make records of the place.
4. The end point will be the starting point of the artists’ creation. They can make artworks according to what they see, what they record or what they remember. There is no limitation to the medium, size or form.
Xuecan Ye | 投江者拦截报告 Report On the Interception of A River Jumper
2021.01.22 08:29:25- 08:49:55
Fuzhou, Fujian
Walking Direction: Northeast

Sixing Xu| 玩具 #1(角) Toy #1 (Angle)
2021.01.23 17:30:08-17:55:38
Walking Direction: Southeast
Sixing Xu, Toy #1(Angle), 2021, foam, plaster, cement, stainless steel stand, A4 sized paper, 34x17x15 cm


家的东南方向是西海(东南的湖,为什么叫做西边的海?)。那个周末,北京东西城展开全员核酸检测,西海南沿路边贴满了纸质指示牌。傍晚的时候我沿着箭头走,想看看检测点,却直接走到了水边。也许是医护人员已经下班,也许他们根本没来过。我原路返回进胡同里,二十分钟半的时间已到,写了社区名的A4纸对面的墙上贴了另一张纸:“2020年10月2日晚上,一辆停放在北京市西城区西海西沿3号院门口的黑色大众迈腾汽车被一男子划损……” 没有汽车,没有划痕,没有男子,没有检测点,2020年未尽的事,一件都找不到,一件都没有消失,作为公告、路标、几张纸,轻飘飘地粘死在墙上。在路途的起点,家门口,一排墙刚刚轰然倒塌。我知道什么没了,但不知道会有什么,墙的对面是墙,墙的背面是海。每天我可以离开家去不同的地方,却总周旋回到家门口,周旋于家门口,像是另一种足不出户,我足不出户地进行一些不知通向哪里的猜想:在这二十分钟半的时间圈出的空间里,几处隐秘的联系,沿一些指示前进、翻转、复归,亦步亦趋。

“The cause (which must last)”… “The third meaning arrives without notice”… “…”… “Inside the interior that was crushed and shattered, there was a crumpled movie ticket”… “The West Sea becomes a true ocean and floods everything”

What lies south-east to my home is Xihai, the West Sea (why is a lake to the South East called a sea on the West?). On that weekend, the entire Xicheng and Dongcheng districts of Beijing rolled out all-member testings for COVID. Along the South bank of Xihai, streets were covered with make-shift testing signs made of paper. In the evening I followed the arrows of direction, trying to find a testing site, only to arrive at water. Maybe the healthcare workers had already got off work, or maybe they had never been there. I returned to the Hutong where I came in, time had come up. Opposite to the A4 sized papers on which neighborhood names were written, there’s another wall, on which another piece of paper was pasted: “In the evening of October 2nd, 2020, a black Volkswagen Magotan was keyed by an unidentified man…” No car, no scratches, no unidentified man, no testing sites, every unfinished business from 2020 is no where to be found, yet none of them has disappeared. They persist as public notices, signs, pieces of paper, so lightly stuck on the wall. Right outside of my home, where the walk started, a row of walls just crumbled. I know what was gone, but have no idea of what to come. Opposite to the wall there is wall, behind the wall there is sea. Everyday I am capable of leaving my home and go to places, yet always circle back at home, circles right outside of my home — another form of being stuck, I am stuck in guesses that lead to nowhere: within the space circumscribed by the 20 and a half minutes, a few secret connections follow a few signs, moving forward, flipping around, circling back, one step after another.

Jieshao| 8485794
2021.01.25 16:48:42- 17:09:12
Walking Direction: In circle, from West to East
Jie Shao, 8485794, 2021, motorcycle kickstand, silicone, plaster, etc., dimension variable





Today, rows of fallen bikes are relying on 8485794.

Today, 8485794 has neither a suitcase nor a child seat, compared to the others, it feels like a body of failure.

Time went back to 5:10 pm the other day, I met a person who was seeking a space to place his electric bike, and he finally found a space near 8485794.

Shanghai two-wheeled electric bicycle
Certificated by Traffic Police Corps of Shanghai Public Security Bureau